

The IWGSC started its webinar series in 2020 to provide educational webinars to the wheat community worldwide.

All webinar recordings are available on the IWGSC YouTube channel.

In this folder

On 11 March 2021 the IWGSC organized a webinar entitled "Genetic dissection of disease resistance mechanisms hijacked by a necrotrophic pathogen of wheat" presented by Justin Faris (USDA-ARS).
On 21 January 2021, the IWGSC organized a webinar entitled "NIAB Diverse MAGIC: dissecting trait genetic architecture across 70 years of wheat breeding" presented by Michael Scott (University College London, UK)
On 19 November 2020, the IWGSC organized a webinar entitled "Decoding the polyploid wheat genome using gene networks" presented by Philippa Borrill (University of Birmingham, UK)
On 28 October 2020, the IWGSC organized a webinar entitled "Genome-specific primer design with PolyMarker" presented by Ricardo Ramirez-Gonzalez (John Innes Centre, UK)
On 7 October 2020, the IWGSC organized a webinar entitled "Differential chromatin accessibility map as a new resource for studying wheat genome function & genotype-to-trait relationships" presented by Eduard Eduard Akhunov (Kansas State University, USA)
On 23 September 2020, the IWGSC organized a webinar entitled "Resistance gene cloning in wheat" presented by Burkhard Steuernagel (John Innes Centre, UK)
On 15 July 2020, the IWGSC organized a webinar entitled "A roadmap for gene functional characterization in wheat" presented by Cristobal Uauy (John Innes Centre, UK)
On 29 June 2020, the IWGSC organized a webinar in collaboration with the 10+ genome project entitled "Multiple genome assemblies reveal alien introgressions and alternative haplotypes in elite wheat cultivars" presented by Sean Walkowiak (Canadian Grain Commission, Canada)
On 27 May 2020, the IWGSC organized a Webinar "Genome-wide analysis of a wheat transcription factor family: the power of bioinformatics resources" presented by Rainer Melzer and Susanne Schilling (University College Dublin, Ireland)
On 30 April 2020, the IWGS organized a Webinar in collaboration with Curio Genomics entitled "Extending the Curio Genomics Platform for the Wheat Research Community; DNA Sequences to Analysis Results", presented by Shawn Quinn, CTO at Curio Genomics
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Modification date: 25 August 2023 | Publication date: 30 October 2020 | By: ic