

All sequences and assemblies are available at the IWGSC Sequence Repository at URGI.

In this folder

Data from the reference sequence of the Turkish elite cultivar Sonmez generated by Hikmet Budak, Ani Akpinar, Sezgi Bıyıklıoğlu, and Valérie Barbe (Montana BioAg.Inc, USA and Genoscope, France) are now available to download at URGI in open access.
The International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium is pleased to announce that version 2.1 of the reference sequence of bread wheat, IWGSC RefSeq v2.1, and IWGSC Annotation v2.1 are now available at the IWGSC data repository hosted by URGI-INRAE and at the NCBI under project PRJNA669381.
MNase chromatin accessibility data for CS genome generated in Eduard Akhunov's lab (Kansas State University, USA) are now available to download at URGI in open access.
The International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium is pleased to announce that version 2 of the reference sequence of bread wheat, IWGSC RefSeq v2.0, is now available at the IWGSC data repository hosted by URGI-INRA .
The International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium is pleased to announce that all data related to the reference sequence of bread wheat, IWGSC RefSeq v1.0, are available without restriction.

Modification date: 16 August 2023 | Publication date: 10 December 2020 | By: ic