Resistance gene cloning in wheat

Webinar: Resistance gene cloning in wheat

On 23 September 2020, the IWGSC organized a webinar entitled "Resistance gene cloning in wheat" presented by Burkhard Steuernagel (John Innes Centre, UK)


Disease resistance (R) genes in plants offer protection against pathogens resulting in immunity or less severe infection. Identification (cloning) of those genes in accessions of wheat and its wild relatives allows for a variety of methods to improve our wheat cultivars and support food security.
I will talk about the annotation of one of the largest R gene families, the NLRs, and discuss our methods MutRenSeq, MutChromSeq and AgRenSeq that we developed to clone R genes.


Burkhard Steuernagel, Postdoctoral Scientist, John Innes Centre, UK


Recommended reading

Book: Wheat Rust Diseases - Methods and Protocols

Modification date: 01 September 2023 | Publication date: 13 November 2020 | By: ic