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The wheat reference genome sequence (IWGSC RefSeq v1.0 & v2.1) has provided a foundation that has propelled recent advances in research and improvement of wheat. For the Structural and Functional Genomics Workshop, continued advances in research and understanding will require new experimental and computational approaches to structurally identify and assign function to genes (both coding and non-coding) as well as regulatory elements and epigenetic states. Accordingly, abstracts submitted for this workshop should focus on genome-scale studies that improve understanding of wheat genome function through the development of additional data resources, computational and experimental studies, exploration of gene families and pathways, and platforms that facilitate annotation and visualization.
Carolyn Mukiri was awarded the IWGSC and Catherine Feuillet Early Career Award and will receive her award at the Plant & Animal Genome Conference (PAG) in San Diego, California (USA) in January 2024. Carolyn also received a travel stipend to allowed her to travel to the PAG conference to present a talk during the IWGSC main workshop on Saturday 13 January 2024.
Kellye Eversole has been at the helm of the IWGSC since its inception in 2005 and has been instrumental in all developments and successes of the consortium, relentlessly advocating and pursuing the vison and ultimate goal of the consortium to develop genomic tools to advance wheat research and breeding.
Abstracts for proposed talks are now being accepted by the IWGSC for individuals who would like to present their work at one of the IWGSC workshops that will be held at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference 31 (12-17 January 2024, San Diego, CA, USA).
Nominations are now being accepted for the prestigious IWGSC and Catherine Feuillet Early Career Award. The recipient will speak at the Main IWGSC workshop that will be held at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference 31 in January 2024.
The French Plant Genomic Resources Center (CNRGV, INRAE, France) is the official repository center for the IWGSC BAC libraries.
A round-up of the IWGSC activities in 2022.
A new improved and expanded regulatory capture panel for promoters and other regulatory elements in wheat is now available from Daicel Arbor Biosciences.
The IWGSC has led the effort to develop a high quality, reference sequence of the large, complex (hexaploid), bread wheat genome: IWGSC RefSeq v1.0 and annotation v1.1 as well as the recently released IWGSC RefSeq v2.1 and accompanying annotation. The release of the IWGSC reference sequence of Chinese spring in 2017 has led to significant advances in wheat genomics. This year's workshop will include presentations related to long-read sequencing, epigenomics, genebank genetic profiling, photoperiodic response, and the Einkorn genome toolbox. As usual, the workshop also includes the presentation of the Catherine Feuillet & IWGSC Early Career Award and travel stipend to Daniela Miller who will speak about using high-fidelity long-read sequencing to identify structural variants in soft winter wheat. This award is given to a young scientist nominated by anyone in the wheat community and selected by the IWGSC leadership in recognition of outstanding achievement.
The wheat reference genome sequence (IWGSC RefSeq v1.0 & v2.1) has provided a foundation that has propelled recent advances in research and improvement of wheat. For the Structural and Functional Genomics Workshop, continued advances in research and understanding will require new experimental and computational approaches to structurally identify and assign function to genes (both coding and non-coding) as well as regulatory elements and epigenetic states. Accordingly, abstracts submitted for this workshop should focus on genome-scale studies that improve understanding of wheat genome function through the development of additional data resources, computational and experimental studies, exploration of gene families and pathways, and platforms that facilitate annotation and visualization.
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Modification date: 01 September 2023 | Publication date: 01 October 2020 | By: ic