PAG 2014

PAG 2014

The IWGSC organized two workshops at PAG 2014.

IWGSC workshop at PAG 2014

The IWGSC scientific workshop at PAG 2014 took place on Saturday Saturday 11 January from 8:00 to 10:10 am. The latest results from two major IWGSC projects were presented and talks describing the use of consortium resources. In addition to IWGSC projects, presentations regarding technologies or resources developed outside of the consortium were presented. These included sequencing projects of species closely related to wheat or progenitors as well as technologies that may be of use to wheat genome sequencing or the application of genomic tools/resources. The workshop included a talk by an early career award recipient. This award given to a young scientist nominated by anyone in the wheat community and selected by the IWGSC leadership.

Organizers: Kellye Eversole and Beat Keller


8:00 am: Jane Rogers, International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium. The IWGSC Survey Sequencing Initiative. Abstract - Slides

8:15 am: Frederic Choulet, INRA GDEC. A Reference Sequence of Wheat Chromosome 3B. Abstract - Slides

8:35 am: Curtis Pozniak, University of Saskatchewan. Utilization of IWGSC Wheat Sequence Resources: Application to Wheat Breeding. Abstract - Slides

8:55 am: Sergio Lucretti, ENEA Casaccia Research Centre, Plant Genetics & Genomics. FISHIS: Fluorescent in situ Hybridization Labeling of Plant Chromosomes in Suspension Increases the Analytical and Preparative Capabilities of the Chromosome Approach. Abstract

9:15 am: Katherine Jordan, Kansas State University. A First Generation Haplotype Map of Wheat Genome. Abstract

9:30 am: Hong-Qing Ling, Institute of genetics and devolopmental biology, CAS. Draft Genome of Triticum urartu (Progenitor of Wheat A Genome) and its Physical Mapping. Abstract - Slides

9:50 am: Burkhard Steuernagel, The Sainsbury Laboratory. Whole Genome Sequence of Aegilops sharonensis Reveals Inconsitency in the Sitopsis Section Taxonomy. Abstract - Slides

IWGSC Standards & Protocols workshop at PAG 2014

he IWGSC Standards and Protocols workshop at PAG 2014 took place on Tuesday 14 January from 1:30 to 6:10 pm. The goal was to present updates on wheat genome sequencing activity with a focus on data standards and new protocols being developed.

Organizers: Jane Rogers and Catherine Feuillet


1:30 pm: Abraham B. Korol, University of Haifa, Institute of Evolution. Using LTC Software for Wheat Physical Mapping: Increasing Contig Lengths and MTP Quality. Abstract - Slides

1:50 pm: Frederic Choulet, INRA GDEC. Assembling a Pseudomolecule for a Wheat Chromosome: The 3B Experience. Abstract

2:10 pm: Valerie Barbe, CEA - Genoscope. Strategy Developments for Wheat Chromosome MTP Sequencing. Abstract

2:30 pm: Hirokazu Handa, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences. Toward the Reference Genome Sequence of Wheat Chromosome 6B; BAC-By-BAC Sequencing and Assembling. Abstact

2:50 pm: Andrew G. Sharpe, National Research Council. Chromosome 1A Progress Update. Abstract - Slides

3:10 pm: David Edwards, University of Queenslan. An Optimised Approach to Sequence and Assemble BACs: Application to Bread Wheat Chromosome Arm 7DS. Abstract - Slides

3:50 pm: Michael Alaux, INRA - URGI. IWGSC Sequence Repository at URGI: New Features and Blast Tool Abstract - Slides

4:10 pm: Paul J. Kersey, EMBL - The European Bioninformatics Institute. Wheat Genomics Resources at Ensembl Plants. Abstract - Slides

4:30 pm: Mario Caccamo, The Genome Analysis Centre. Integration of Whole Genome Assemblies and Genetic Information in Hexaploid Wheat. Abstract - Slides

4:50 pm: Martin Mascher, Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK). Anchoring and Ordering NGS Contig Assemblies by Population Sequencing (POPSEQ). Abstract - Sides

5:10 pm: Antje Rohde, Bayer CropScience NV. The Wheat Genome Sequence – Experiences and Expectations of an AgBiotech Company. Abstract

Modification date: 16 August 2023 | Publication date: 05 February 2021 | By: ic