Naser Poursarebani

Naser Poursarebani

Naser Poursarebani received an IWGSC Early Career Award in June 2014 at ITMI 2014

Naser Poursarebani and kellye Eversole

Originally from Iran, Naser did his Master on plant breeding in home country. In Feb-2008, he moved to Germany to pursue his PhD studies in the lab of Dr. Nils Stein and Prof. Andreas Granerat the IPK Gatersleben during which he was involved in the International Barley Genome Sequencing consortium. His work consisted of anchoring the physical map of barley into the genetic map. After finishing his PhD in Dec-2012, he started his post-doc in the same institute in Dr. Thorsten Schnurbusch laboratory where worked on generating the physical map of the wheat chromosome 6A. This result is now published.

His current project consists of studying gene (s) regulating wheat and barley spike branching form. He initiated this project as a pilot study while analyzing the wheat chromosome 6A physical map. Founding for this project is available until the end of the year 2014, and the team has applied for an extension from the German Founding Agency (DFG)

Naser was recommended for the IWGSC Early Career Award. This award will help him to defray the costs of participating in a conference in the near future.""I was surprised and honored when I received the news that he had won it. I would like to thank the leadership of the Consortium that selected, this is a great pleasure for me."

Naser consider this award as a tool that could definitely be helpful for a young scientist as himself. “The event gave me a chance to be recognized among the scientist community of wheat genome. Moreover, that was a great encouragement promoting me to continue science more strongly towards my milestones, he said.”

Naser future plans depend on the success of the funding application for his current project. If unsuccessful, he would like to continue research studies on wheat and barley molecular biology, on topics such as mapping, cloning and characterization of genes underlying interesting traits.

Modification date: 16 August 2023 | Publication date: 21 November 2020 | By: ic