2018/08 - Reference sequence publication media coverage

2018/08 - Media coverage of the publication of the reference sequence of bread wheat

The publication of the reference sequence of bread wheat in the scientific journal Science in August 2018 generated an extensive media coverage around the world, in WIRED, the BBC, the Guardian, El Mundo, ABC News, Süddeutsche Zeitung and more

This list is non exhaustive and is no longer updated (broken links might occur)


08/17 - Australian Financial Review - Australian scientist leads consortium to crack wheat genome
08/17 - ABC News - Wheat's genome sequence finally cracked in major DNA breakthrough by scientists after 13 year pursuit
08/17 - ABC News - TV interview of Rudi Appels (video link)
08/17 - SBS News - Australian scientists help crack the wheat genome
08/23 - Sky News - The Ag Show (TV) - Scientists crack the DNA sequence of wheat (wheat story from 02'45 to 4'40)


08/16 - Science ORF - Erbgut des Weizens entschlüsselt


08/17 - CBC News - 'Billion-piece jigsaw puzzle': Canadians key to 1st complete map of wheat genome


08/17 - South China Morning Post - Scientists conquer the ‘Mount Everest of genetics’ after unlocking secrets of wheat genome

Czech republic

08/20 - ČT24 - Přelomový úspěch: Vědci přečetli celý genom pšenice. Klíčovou roli hráli experti z Olomouce
08/20 - ČT24 - Jako by se v místnosti rozsvítilo. Přečetli jsme DNA pšenice, může to pomoct i alergikům
08/20 - Události (TV) link 
08/20 - Seznam zprávy - Převratný objev olomouckých vědců zajistí rostoucí světové populaci dostatek potravin i za desítky let
08/20 - iDNES.cz - Vědci rozluštili genom pšenice, vylepší výnosy i odolnost proti suchu
08/23 - Nedd.cz - Čeští vědci pomohli rozluštit genom pšenice. Svět se tak možná vyhne hladomoru
09/07 - CTK - Na Českou hlavu bude navržen vědec, který rozluštil genom pšenice


08/17 - France Inter - Après 10 ans de recherches, le code génétique du blé vient d'être "craqué"
08/17 - Ouest France - Pourquoi la génétique du blé est restée longtemps un mystère
08/17 - Ouest France - Le code génétique du blé tendre enfin décrypté
09/18 - Pour la Science - Le blé dévoile tout son génome


08/16 - Süddeutsche Zeitung - Die Entschlüsselung des Monstergenoms
08/16 - Der Tagesspiegel - 107891 Gene im Brot (mindestens)
08/17 - ARD TV - Tagesschau - Wissenschaftler entschlüsseln Erbgut des Brotweizens - Interview with Manuel Spannagl (video link)
08/17 - Focus - Weizengenom geknackt
08/17 - Deutschlandfunk - Wissenschaftler entschlüsseln das Brotweizen-Genom


08/30 - Wheat genome unravelled: can help in dealing with climate change


08/20 - Le Scienze - Svelati i segreti del genoma del grano tenero

The Netherlands

08/16- NRC - De code van ons brood is gekraakt

08/17 - Scientias - het leek-onmogelijk maar is eindelijk gelukt wetenschap ontrafelt genoom van tarwe


08/31 - CIMMYT - Over 100,000 genes: CIMMYT scientist talks about the new wheat genome map


08/16 - El Mundo - El genoma del trigo harinero ayudará a crear variedades más resistentes
08/16 - El Pais - El genoma del alimento que da a la humanidad una de cada cinco calorías
08/17 - ABC - Descifrado el genoma del trigo, el cereal más cultivado del planeta
08/21 - La Vanguardia - Descifrado el genoma del trigo, un descubrimiento que permitirá mejorar la alimentación humana


08/16 - BBC News - Wheat gene map to help 'feed the world'
08/16 - The Guardian - Scientists sequence wheat genome in breakthrough once thought 'impossible'
08/16 - The Economist - Revealing the wheat genome could lead to hypoallergenic bread
08/16 - Daily Mail - Genetic make-up of wheat has been decoded for the first time: Scientists say it could lead to low allergy varieties and crops that need less water
08/17 - Eastern Daily Press - How Norwich scientists’ wheat DNA breakthrough could help feed the world
08/17 - BBC Mundo - Por qué el que se haya descifrado el genoma del trigo puede revolucionar la alimentación en la Tierra


08/16 - Science - Wheat’s complex genome finally deciphered, offering hope for better harvests and nonallergenic varieties
08/16 - WIRED - After 13 years, scientists finally map the massive wheat genome
08/16 - The Atlantic - Scientists Finally Crack Wheat’s Absurdly Complex Genome
08/16 - LA Times - A rich scientific harvest is in: Long, complex bread wheat genome is finally sequenced
08/16 - Ars Technica - The nightmarishly complex wheat genome finally yields to scientists
08/16 - AXIOS - "Milestone" wheat gene map could help food security and allergies
08/17 - Genome Web - International Consortium Sequences, Annotates Bread Wheat Reference Genome
08/17 - World Grain - Researchers crack bread wheat genome code
08/17 - Smithsonian - Sequencing of Wheat Genome Could Lead to a Breadier Future
08/20 - SyngularityHub - Newly-Decoded Wheat Genome Opens the Door to Engineering Superfoods
08/24 - MinnPost - After 13 years, a global team conquers the 'Mt. Everest of plant genomics'
08/29 - Agri Pulse - Researchers see big benefits from decoding wheat genome (registration required, 3 free articles per month)

Publication date: 29 July 2021 | By: ic