Fall 2021 Webinar Series

Announcing the Fall 2021 Webinar Series

After a short summer break, we will restart our webinar series in September. Mark your calendars!

Please note that some webinars are scheduled on different days and times than usual.

  • On Friday 24 September at 11am EDT, Alison Bentley (Director of CIMMYT Global Wheat Program) will present "Wheat to eat: accelerating plant breeding to address global food & nutrition security"
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  • On Thursday 28 October at 10am EDT, Yijing Zhang (Fudan University, China) will talk about "Interaction between wheat cis- and trans-factors in shaping regulatory networks"
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  • On Thursday 18 November at 11am EST, Ellie Taagen (Cornell University, USA) will present "Challenges and opportunities in positional cloning and structural variation in polyploid crops"
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  • On Wednesday 15 December at 11am EST, Javier Palma-Guerrero (Rothamsted Research, UK) will talk about "Developing sustainable strategies to protect wheat roots from take-all disease" - This event is organized in collaboration with the Phytobiomes Alliance. 
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Also, on Thursday 23 September at 11am EDT we will co-organize a webinar with the Women in Genomics Network entitled "Presentation Skills for Brainiacs - How to present to people who have no idea what you’re talking about" presented by Laura Foley (Presentation Strategist). More information

All the webinars are free to attend, they are recorded and subsequently posted on the IWGSC YouTube channel. You can subscribe to the channel to never miss a new upload.

Modification date: 16 August 2023 | Publication date: 09 September 2021 | By: ic