PAG Asia 2017

PAG Asia 2017

The IWGSC organized one workshop at PAG Asia 2017.

The release of a new high quality draft genome sequence of the reference wheat genome (var Chinese Spring) in 2017 is providing new opportunities to fully characterize this complex genome. This year's workshop show-cases the depth of community engagement in validating and refining genome analyses with a particular focus on the transcriptome and network studies based on both gene pathways and small non-coding RNAs. The workshop will also report on the analysis of the recently completed durum gnome assembly and the isolation of a new rust resistance gene.

Organizers: Rudi Appels and Kellye Eversole


11:15 am: Philippa Borrill, John Innes Centre. A Comprehensive Transcriptome Atlas for Wheat  and IWGSC. Abstract

11:35 am: Marco Maccaferri, University of Bologna. The Durum Wheat Genome. Abstract

11:55 am: Hikmet Budak, Montana State University. Annotation of Non-Coding RNAs and Network Interaction. Abstract

12:15 pm: Angela Juhasz, Murdoch University. Bread Wheat Proteins as Potential Source of Food Related Disorders: Genome Mapping and Influence of Production Environment. Abstract

12:35 pm: Qingdong Zeng, Northwest A&F University. Rapid Isolation of Stripe Rust Resistance Gene Yr26 in Hexaploid Wheat using Dual RNA-Seq and Comparative Genome Analysis. Abstract

12:55 pm: Tak Lee, Yonsei University. Dissecting Plant Genetics with Functional Gene Networks. Abstract

Modification date: 16 August 2023 | Publication date: 07 January 2021 | By: ic