PAG 2017

PAG 2017

The IWGSC organized two workshops and a business meeting at PAG 2017

IWGSC workshop at PAG 2017

The IWGSC scientific workshop at PAG 2017 took place on Saturday 14 January 2017 from 8:00 to 10:10 am. The workshop included a presentation of IWGSC v1.0 reference genome of bread wheat. As usual, the workshop also included a talk by an early career award recipient. This is given to a young scientist nominated by anyone in the wheat community and selected by the IWGSC leadership.

Organizers: Rudi Appels and Kellye Eversole


8:00 am: Nils Stein, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research. The IWGSC Reference Genome Sequence. Abstract - Slides

8:30 am: Naeela Qureshi, University of Sydney. Fine mapping of the chromosome 5B region carrying closely linked rust resistance genes Yr47 and Lr52 in wheat. Abstract - Slides

8:50 am: Luigi Cattivelli, CREA Genomics Research Center. High quality assembly of the durum wheat genome cv. Svevo. Abstract - Slides

9:10 am: Raj Pasam, AgriBio. Using advanced wheat genomic resources and metabolite fingerprinting to address complex traits. Abstract - Slides

9:30 am: Guangyao Zhao, Institute of Crop Sciences. The reference genomes for Aegilops tauschii (AL8/78), Ae. Speltoides (Y2032) and Triticum aestivum (AK58). Abstract

9:50 am: Gil Ronen, NRGene. From multi-genome assembly to capturing full diversity using Denovomagic 3.0. Abstract

IWGSC Standard & Protocols workshop at PAG 2017

The IWGSC Standards and Protocols workshop at PAG 2017 took place on Tuesday 17 January 2017 from 1:30 to 6:10 pm. The workshop focused on the annotation and curation of the hexaploid bread wheat reference genome sequence.

Organizers: Jane Rogers and Frédéric Choulet


1:30 pm: Introductory remarks

1:35 pm: Xi Wang, Bayer CropScience. Wheat genome structural annotation using a modular and evidence-combined annotation pipeline. Abstract - Slides

1:55 pm: Frédéric Choulet, INRA GDEC. Challenges of gene and repeat annotation of the wheat genome sequence. Abstract - Slides

2:15 pm: Manuel Spannagl, Helmholtz Center Munich. Reference gene prediction in the hexaploid bread wheat genome. Abstract - Slides

2:35 pm: Jemima Brinton, John Innes Centre. Integrating wheat RNA-Seq data into the expVIP gene expression browser with multiple reference genomes. Abstract

2:55 pm: Rudi Appels, Murdoch University. The wheat genome visualised in Apollo: variation in the clarity of defining and naming gene models. Abstract - Slides

3:15 pm: Pankaj Jaiswal, Oregon State University. High-resolution study of wheat transcriptomes in response to drought and salinity and ontologies. Abstract - Slides

3:35 pm: Jane Loveland, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Tools for community genome annotation: ZMap and Otter. Abstract - Slides

3:55 pm: Brian Smith-White, National Center for Biotechnology Information. Genome curation and maintenance at NCBI. Abstract - Slides

4:15 pm: Michael Alaux, INRA - URGI. The IWGSC Reference Genome Browser, data mining and beyond. Abstract - Slides

4:35 pm: Etienne Paux, INRA GDEC. H3K27me3, a key player in wheat gene and genome organization and regulation? Abstract

4:55 pm: Discussion

IWGSC Poster presented at PAG 2017

IWGSC poster_PAG2017_NewFinal.2

PAG 2017 pictures

Modification date: 16 August 2023 | Publication date: 08 January 2021 | By: ic