PAG 2015

PAG 2015

The IWGSC organized two workshops and a business meeting at PAG 2015.

IWGSC workshop at PAG 2015

The IWGSC scientific workshop at PAG 2015 took place on Saturday 10 January from 8:00 to 10:10 am in room Town and Country. The workshop included an update on the Ae. tauschii sequencing project, exome sequencing of wheat mutant populations, and 3 talks describing the generation or use of wheat genomic resources that were selected from submitted abstracts. Finally, the workshop included a talk by an early career award recipient. This is given to a young scientist nominated by anyone in the wheat community and selected by the IWGSC leadership.

Organizers: Kellye Eversole and Jan Dvorak


8:00 am: Jan Dvorak, University of California, Davis. BAC-Based Sequencing of the Ae. tauschii Genome. Abstract - Slides

8:20 am: Sukhwinder Singh, CIMMYT. A high density GBS map of bread wheat and its application for genetic improvement of the crop. Abstract - Slides

8:40 am: Jorge Dubcovsky, University of California, Davis. Exome Sequencing of Wheat Mutant Populations Opens a New Era for Wheat Functional Genetics. Slides

9:00 am: Fiona Doohan UCD School of Biology & Environmental Science. Use of the wheat genome to expedite the identification of disease resistance genes. Abstract

9:20 am: Yang Yen, South Dakota State University. Susceptibility to Fusarium head blight by wheat is regulated by silencing RNAs of pathogen origin. Abstract - Slides

9:50 am: Early Career Awardee - Ricardo H. Ramirez-Gonzalez, The Genome Analysis Centre. RNA-Seq Bulked Segregant Analysis Enables the Identification of High-Resolution Genetic Markers for Breeding in Hexaploid Wheat. Abstract - Slides

IWGSC Standard & Protocols workshop at PAG 2015

The IWGSC Standards and Protocols workshop at PAG 2015 took place on Tuesday 13 January 13 from 1:30 pm to 6:10 pm in room Pacific Salon 3. The workshop included an update on wheat genome sequencing activity with a focus on data standards and new protocols being developed.

Organizers: Jane Rogers and Catherine Feuillet


1:30 pm: Introductory Remarks

1:50 pm: Andrew G. Sharpe, National Research Council Canada. Progress in Sequencing and Scaffolding Chromosome 1A. Abstract - Slides

2:10 pm: Gabriel Keeble-Gagnere, Murdoch University. Reference Assembly of Chromosome 7A as a Platform to Study Regions of Agronomic Importance. Abstract - Slides

2:30 pm: Valerie Barbe, CEA - Genoscope. Chromosome 1B: A Step Further in the Sequencing of the Hexaploid Wheat Genome. Abstract - Slides

2:50 pm: Hana Simkova, Institute of Experimental Botany. Improving the Physical Map and Sequence of the 7DS with a BioNano Map. Abstract - Slides

3:10 pm: Discussion

3:30 pm: Break

3:50 pm: Ming-Cheng Luo, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California. BioNano Genome Map to Facilitate the Assembly of the Aegilops tauschii Genome. Abstract - Slides

4:10 pm: Abraham B. Korol, Institute of Evolution, University of Haifa. Using LTC Software for Physical Mapping and Assisting in Sequence Assembly. Abstract - Slides

4:30 pm: Vijay K. Tiwari, Kansas State University. Application of RH Mapping in Wheat Genome Analysis. Abstract

4:50 pm: Michael Alaux, INRA - URGI. IWGSC Sequence Repository: How to Facilitate Pseudomolecule Assembly? Abstract - Slides

5:10 pm: Discussion

IWGSC Poster presented at PAG 2015


PAG 2015 Pictures

Modification date: 16 August 2023 | Publication date: 08 January 2021 | By: ic