Call for IWGSC-Feuillet Early Career Award 2025

Call for IWGSC-Feuillet Early Career Award – PAG 2025

Nominations are now being accepted for the prestigious IWGSC-Feuillet Early Career Award. The recipient will speak at the Main IWGSC workshop that will be held at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference 32 in January 2025.


Deadline: 27 September 2024, 23:59 US Eastern Time. CLOSED

The individual selected to receive the IWGSC-Feuillet Early Career Award will receive a travel stipend of $1,000 (USD) to help defray the costs associated with participating in the workshop. 

The recipient of the award will be expected to give a presentation on their work at the IWGSC workshop that will be held on Saturday 11 January 2025, from 8:00 to 10:10 am. The work should focus on latest frontiers in genome biology, fundamental and applied, leading to significant advances in wheat science.

Eligibility is restricted to graduate or post‐doctoral students, scientists who do not have their own group, and scientists who received their Ph.D. between 2015 and 2025. Priority will also be given to individuals who have not spoken previously at an IWGSC workshop at PAG.

To apply, submit an abstract (250 words) of the proposed talk and upload a resume on the submission platform.

  1. Go to: 
  2. Create an account
  3. Choose “IWGSC Main workshop” as first choice
  4. Choose “yes” to the question “Would you like to be considered for the IWGSC and Catherine Feuillet Early Career Award?”
  5. Upload your resume
  6. Complete the form
  7. Click “Submit”

Please note that the PAG organizers are enforcing several rules to ensure diversity of speakers at the various workshops. These include prohibitions on an individual giving the same or a highly similar talk in more than one PAG workshop or giving the same or highly similar talk in the same workshop as given the prior year. We will work with the organizers to enforce this rule and are setting an early deadline for abstract submissions to assist in this effort.

Modification date: 02 October 2024 | Publication date: 04 September 2024 | By: ic