IWGSC business meeting at PAG 2023

IWGSC business meeting at PAG 2023

The IWGSC held a business meeting on Saturday 14 January 20123 from 6:20 to 7:30pm in Palm 7

The business meeting is open to all.


  • Welcome and IWGSC team introductions
  • Overview of IWGSC activities for 2023
  • Arnaud Bellec, INRAE-CNRGV, BAC libraries and resources
  • Michael Alaux, INRAE-URGI, wheat repository and the Wheat IS
  • Project Updates from the community and open discussion
  • Presentation of IWGSC-Catherine Feuillet Early Career Award

Modification date: 14 January 2024 | Publication date: 30 November 2022 | By: ic