IWGSC Annotation Workshop at PAG 2019

IWGSC Wheat Genome Manual and Functional Annotation Workshop at PAG 2019

The workshop examined advances in functional annotation of regions in the reference genome sequence regions which will include gap closure and finishing the genome sequence as well as the functional annotation of the gene space. Generally the regions examined will be in agronomically important regions and we would expect new bioinformatics developments to accelerate the integration of multiple data sets. The IWGSC phase II strategy, post the release of the wheat reference genome (IWGSC RefSeq v1.0), includes developing a pipeline for community generated manual annotation coupled, functional annotation, and annual annotation releases by the IWGSC. The workshop focused on genome-level studies to facilitate manual and functional annotation, the process of manual annotation, and platforms for annotation and visualization.

Organizers: Rudi Appels, Ute Baumann, Kellye Eversole and Etienne Paux


1:30 pm: Josquin Tibbits, Agriculture Victoria. Online Real-Time Chromosome-Scale Visualisation and Analysis of Wheat Genomes with Pretzel.

1:50 pm: Manuel Spannagl (on behalf of Daniel Lang), Helmholtz Center Munich. Phylogenomic Studies to Annotate Amplified Gene Families. Slides

2:10 pm: Philippa Borrill, University of Birmingham. Gene Networks to Predict Gene Function. Abstract - Slides

2:30 pm: Carolyn Lawrence-Dill, Iowa State University, Assigning GO Terms to Wheat Gene Models. Abstract

2:50 pm: Vijay Tiwari, University of Maryland. Map-Based Cloning of Agronomically Important Genes. Abstract

3:10 pm: Ian Small, The University of Western Australia. The Ppr Gene Family in Wheat.

3:30 pm: Guy Naamati, EMBL-EBI. Visualizing the Iwgsc Refseq v1.0 Wheat Assembly in Ensembl Plants. Abstract - Slides

3:50 pm: Max Troukhan, Persephone Software. The Wheat Genome Visualized in Persephone. Abstract

4:10 pm: Thomas Letellier, URGI,INRA. Wheat Genome Resources in the Wheat@Urgi. Abstract

4:30 pm: Victoria Blake (in behalf of Taner Sen), Montana State University. Visualization, Tools, and Resources for Wheat at GrainGenes. Slides

4:50 pm: Open Discussion and Community Input on a Mechanism for the Curation and Validation of Manual and Functional Annotation of Iwgsc Refseq v1.0. Abstract